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The more vulnerable you are willing to be, the more invincible you are. Quite often vulnerability is felt as a weakness, being at the mercy of other people’s self-centered demands. It calls for courage and how do we find this courage? The shieldless naked heart is the armor of the true warrior. The very moment we take a step back from what we call ourselves and allow room enough in the field of experience, this inner spaciousness is the most wonderful medicine against fear, claustrophobia and the timidity of dualistic mind.

We could explore this paradox a little more. It’s a strange fact. Rather than talking about hypothetical situations from the past, explore it now, in the present. The training in open heart is the most authentic meditation practice.

Allowing room in yourself completely transforms the warfare mentality of ego, regarding each sound, each moment of seeing as a possible opponent. The weapons of display hurled towards you turn into a rain of flowers that move freely through the vastness of open mind.

This is transcending duality, being victorious in the battle. The courage to experience in a raw and naked manner ensures victory in each moment, beyond winning and losing. In this open way of experiencing, we discover how vulnerability makes our naked heart truly invincible.

Black and white photo by Florent Chaudemanche, Viêt Nam &  photo of dandelion Brigitte Werner, Canada.

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