Come to me in astral view
Watching me watching you
The body that I see
Is made of stars a Dakini
Away A way Away A way
Come to me in astral view
Watching me watching you
The body that I see
Is made of stars a Dakini
Away A way Away A way
In Europe, since ancient Greece, scientists and artists of all times have studied and gone to great lengths to liken musical systems and the cosmic order. The idea has come to be called names such as, The Harmony of the Spheres and the science of harmonics. To be fair, this tradition or the philosophy of a musical cosmos is now widely regarded as a form of numerological mysticism rather than science.
I wanted the music to mingle unobtrusively with the sounds of the garden. By not creating a continuous web of sound with the instruments, as one normally would expect from music, and by always letting the music disappear into silence at unexpected places, my listening experience became that of a calm awareness of the entire field of sound around me. The sounds from the everyday become part of the music; an old man drove by on his bicycle and by the fountain were people playing games.
We are not alone. We do not exist alone and we cannot create alone. What this world needs is a humanistic awakening of the desire to raise one’s life condition to a place where our actions are rooted in altruism and compassion. You cannot hide behind a profession or instrument; you have to be human. Focus your energy on becoming the best human you can be. Focus on developing empathy and compassion. Through the process you’ll tap into a wealth of inspiration rooted in the complexity and curiosity of what it means to simply exist on this planet. Music is but a drop in the ocean of life.
Sufi music is a language around love and ecstasy, that is fundamental to the human experience, an abiding recognition of the astonishing complexity of being human. It is a tenderness around the most important, deeply felt emotional and psychological needs, and a cultural mechanism whereby satisfying these does not have to be a struggle.
Enjoy this song dedicated to the Rimay Master, the teacher Orgyen Kusum Lingpa, based on an old melody and song from Van Morrison called Crazy Love. Arranged, performed and written by Tulku Sherab Dorje.
From musician and poet Yeshen, a mood-reading with instrumental soundtrack and free-flowing poetry. Desi Donutz, a poem dedicated to Saraswati.
Chanting creates a bridge between the understanding of the head and the understanding of the heart. It brings body, speech and mind together in one flowing gesture. It is a joyful thing to do, which naturally brings forth your dignity; effortlessly you sit straight up, you concentrate, you relax and go through the words without any hesitation.
Enjoy Yeshen’s music and poetry. Here is an opportunity to rap along – from your heart straight to Padmasambhava’s.
I am so honored to know this group of wise and beautiful beings from all over the world. We have meditated together for many years now, since many of them were very small children, and I have watched them grow up in an environment where peace, compassion and wisdom were emphasised and valued. They have blossomed into amazing human beings with understanding beyond their years, as is seen in the words of the video here.
A little song of four reminders with music by Adam Moes. This song is about how to make the best out of our human life, and Adams Ukulele and his unassuming devotion is a winner. It melts away self-importance and self-aggrandizement, paving the way for true spirituality.
Passages of an empty hourglass, reflected in a receptacle of water, rippleless still. A crystal visage mollycoddled by dense clouds apparition. A wintry ice-glazed chill. That kills with matricidal harm, woe of hearts as shattered remnants, calm not the anxious calamity of death.
I was not limited by myself anymore. This opened my heart which I, by the way noticed is the door to heaven and suddenly I was surrounded by this enormously beautiful music.
Each and every day our world gets smaller, bringing more and more frightening problems ever closer to us all. Whether it is terrorism, climate change,… Read More »REACH OUT WITH LOVE AND CARE FOR EVERYONE
Transcendental trance music. Jubilation, celebrating the First Light by Tenzin Namsel.
Flowing bolts like angel cloth and thunder
like streams of rippling light, glistening torrents,
untied and undone, so lovely streaming out
like endless prayer flags.
In the cosmological portraiture that is music, the music of the spheres, the basic laws true in every octave of the creation, a sphere of forces, places and relationships come into being and can be perceived, like a cell, a flock of birds, a setting in nature.
This track was inspired by the life-changing book by Yamamoto Tsunetomo about The Way Of The Samurai. It is a reflective piece trying to evoke the place, mentality and spirit of myself during that impressionable age and how the book radically changed me.
The voice is the voice of the awakened state and by singing it you grow closer to being what you fundamentally are. Herein lies a tremendous inspiration and blessing. This is the religion for our times, which transcends cultural limitations.