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Christopher Judges

A straight-talking creative coach, a character actor, artist and writer. My website.


A brotherhood of gulls rises from the shore, pushing off from the wet sand; their footprint hieroglyphs tell me everything, then not, as a sliding pool of clear seawater gently washes over them, dissolving their messages. They travel east on the last of the breeze, just above the breaking waves, paralleling the shoreline, silhouetting themselves against the last glimmers of sun.


Human beings believe separateness is the true reality, not interconnectedness. They believe in the autonomy of me from you, the separateness of body from mind, climate from man’s activities. Think of the many trillions of different subjects in trillions of endless lists of separated items and disciplines to be fixed, improved, voted on or changed.


When innocence was king, In our self-importance, we have ignored 
the strategies of nature. We have forgotten it’s beauty, ridiculed its exquisite mystery. We deform the organism that gives us life, brittle and stupid we are. Let nature run wild!


The basic virtue of Superman is his altruism. He uses his powers to save people from their own follies. His actions are shocking because he is willing to take risks the rest of us can no longer contemplate. Superman has empathy for the suffering of others. His compassion, care and willingness to put his life on the line for another person make him a worthy hero to admire.


Light is subtler than the subtle. It is the invisible essence of every thing and it is the boundless sustaining power of the whole universe upon which all existence rests. Light is the fundamental reality of life itself, a non-dual understanding of the universe.