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Artist Marie Young. The art is here not attributed to any particular thing, but expresses the life world of the particular artist.
Artist Rowena Lynch. Various painters have developed this style of painting at Keringke Arts over a twenty-year period. The artists use pattern, colour, shape and design to create paintings that depict country, culture and self.

Dreamtime pictures is a testimony of knowledge embedded within handicraft, with a fascinating array of colors called dot painting. This aboriginal painting style in Australia is a unique art form with a mark of storytelling. The group of artists preserve their testament as knowledge to the future generations, usually done in their community house. The art tells stories from where the artisans comes and where they belong. The area of Keringke is a sacred rainmaking place and its meaning is, kangaroo tracks. The artists have developed their own style derived from ancestral rock carvings and paintings in the Santa Teresa area. Truly amazing vibrant energy. Here is a Dreamtime story from Keringarts website about their origin:
“This is a story about a big red kangaroo that came in the dreamtime from the South East. As he was going through the country he visited his cousin, the bellbird. The place was really green, a smooth yellow vine was everywhere. The kangaroo travelled along the creek, being careful so as not to get his feet caught in the vine. After he visited his cousin, he crossed a plain and got caught in the yellow vines, and his leg became tangled up. He was just about dragging himself up the gully, and because it was a hot day, he could not go any further. He stopped in a clear area, but there were too many flies. He used the dust to throw it over himself to keep them away. In doing so, he made a big hole and that became the rockhole. That was the last time he made footprints on the rock and they can still be seen today. After that, other kangaroos used to come down to drink at the rockhole, they were hill kangaroos, euros. To this day you can still see the tail tracks of the euros. There was a little pouch near the rockhole, with two little shiny pink stones in it, representing baby kangaroos, there are the only remains today. The rockhole is known as Keringke, a sacred site.”

From Tibetan Dzogchen teaching here is the letter A

It’s quite interesting how the art from aboriginals are expressed in dots, similarly to the universal art of bindus. Bindus are spots or super small dots shining with light from within our mind, which we human beings can see when squinting or letting go. We see these circles when we look into space or at the white space on a computer screen, when we are at ease, unoccupied, when we have time to just see and in many other situations. I wonder if the aboriginal tradition of Keringke and dreamtime painting isn’t of the same origin as the bindu knowledge. Probably the tradition started when someone was just sitting, gazing into the vast skies of Australia. The highest yoga traditions teach how the bindus are recognized and seen. A wisdom master is necessary in order to learn, train and to experience further about a subject from such a hidden inner knowledge. Some training beforehand in natural presence of mind is also needed. Another tantric point of view describes the bindu as the single sphere, the sacred symbol of the cosmos in its unmanifested state. Bindu is the point around which the mandala is created and represents the knowing mind and the known universe.

The Original Australians: Story of the Aboriginal People.