Share your original artwork, poster, photo or painting that can contribute to a beautiful world. Let us inspire an enlightened society. Allow the special spirit of open mind to be widely known. The focus is intrinsic humanity and timeless principles in our daily lives.
Share your special knowledge which is of benefits to everyone. What do you want in a perfect world, that is meaningful and helpful? Let’s gather our deepest longings and dreams: Interesting ideas, personal experience, spiritual creativity, insights, art, mystical stories, sacred journeys, a review of a book that you feel represent this vision, tried and proven natural medicines that cure common diseases, food recipes that are medicine to boost our immune system and vitality, skilled musicians and sacred music, harmonious living & gardening without causing harm.
Share it.
LEVEKUNST art of life is a platform for gathering old and new topics that help to overcome the ignorance which separates people and makes life unnecessarily hard. We invite the reader to be a citizen of the world as well and to be a host for the entire planet, the ecosystem, human rights and a fair world economy. It is our shared responsibility. We have seen that intelligent and open-minded people naturally take the next step as inner serenity makes room for awareness of others’ well-being.
Send some lines about who you are and your idea to LEVEKUNST art of life with the subject: article submission.
Our current circle of artists & writers.