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Belle Heywood

Belle has been studying astrology privately for over 25 years. Belle studied Creative Arts at University of Melbourne, Australia, and then spent several years training towards ordination as a Buddhist Nun. After nearly losing her life in retreat in a Thai Jungle Monastery, Belle returned to Melbourne, where she is now based. In recent years, watercolor painting has been a sweet daily revelation. Belle is available for private skype-based astrological readings and intuitive counsel.


Hello again, lovely and deep bright Star readers!
There is much going on this month and I want to largely focus on one major cosmological dynamic happening: a Grand Cardinal Cross. I will move through some other points for the month, but that configuration, particularly the opposition between the Full Moon/Pluto in Capricorn and Sun/Mars in Cancer will get the most attention, as it is psychologically juicy. 


It’s a moon which asks, do you get it? It’s time! Something will always be let go of with every full moon, as a natural time for something to come to a sense of completion, culmination, full awareness and a time well suited to let go of something that it is natural to let go of, as it has reached its time. What is greater can be welcomed and have freedom and space to give it’s song to you, and plant seeds in you and around you.


So, my friends, what is it you are putting your feet on Earth for? In what way are we going to use our senses and our practical aptitudes to bring benefit? How are we going to treasure and care for Mother Earth? How will we make whatever garden it is we are growing in our lives flourish, so that others may share in our riches? And what are richness and wealth?


My approach to astrology, and to most things in general, is to learn, to listen, to be open minded, to research, and then to check it out deeply for myself, using my common sense, my intuition, my body, contemplation, observation, waiting and cross checking. Somewhat like a scientist. Somewhat like a meditator. Somewhat like an artist. I don’t and never have taken things on blind faith, and I would highly recommend you don’t either when you read my posts.