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Cary Twomey

Cary Twomey is a Jungian Analyst, a Practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine and holds a degree in Dance. She has a great love of working with others through dreams, psyche, movement, and Dharma. She and her husband Lee are founders and resident teachers of Midwest Dharma Wheel, a contemplative center in Lincoln, NE where they offer Jungian Therapy, Dharma, Meditation, Mentoring, Movement, Pilates, Yoga, and Ayurvedic Medicine. Cary is a Teacher and Mentor in Ayurveda, Dharma, Meditation, and Movement programs. She offers one-to-one sessions and mentoring, as well as group retreats and classes around the world. Cary's Articles: Ayurveda's Wisdom For Winter and Why Do We Go To Our Cushion? View her website: or email her at:


The rise in a multitude of ways to have a quick fix, a good body, and perfect health is another manifestation of our cultural sickness. Simple direct ways to live, eat and follow the flow of nature have become totally uninteresting to our hyped-up western culture. If it’s not sexy, trendy or going to make you famous, then it’s not of value to us at all. This is the danger of our current way of being in relationship to our lives and a direct affront to the sacredness and true purpose of life itself.


When we release the contracted sense of self, we will automatically have compassion flowing. It will be there without effort, that is the beauty and that is what we can trust. But we must first give it to ourselves. If we are doing this, the contracted sense of self can relax and expand. Giving love and compassion to oneself is a first and foremost requirement on our path.