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Erling Jensen

I’m a seeker, open minded, on fire. Searching for “I”, my keywords are non-duality, every thing being impermanent, self-inquiry. I could also say my keywords are love, trust and compassion. I am deluded, can’t see clear, need guiding, teaching and discipline.


One mahatma asked Swami Muktananda for a certificate of enlightenment. Swami Muktananda just laughed. When you live in integrity and your heart and soul are stable in that integrity, that’s what you cherish more than anything in the world. These are poetic terms and it’s not necessarily like that, but we have to use words. When you reach an awareness within yourself that is undeluded, there is no reason that you want to put a rock in your heart or dualistically split anything through an idea, because it’s not possible.