I read a poem today It filled me with beauty And loving appreciation took hold But of what, wasn’t there. The words, oh such words… Read More »ON THE LIMEN OF POETIC BEING
James is a writer, philosopher, contemplative practitioner and theorist, living in the Dordogne region of France, where he runs a Bed & Breakfast. He was formerly a software engineer in New York, as well as a university professor of philosophy where he taught Ethics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Nature, and meditation. Other LEVEKUNST articles by the same author.
I read a poem today It filled me with beauty And loving appreciation took hold But of what, wasn’t there. The words, oh such words… Read More »ON THE LIMEN OF POETIC BEING
It is also called: Astral sound, Dharmata Swayambhu Nada, Divine Tremoring, Eternal Sound, Inner Sound, Music of the Spheres, Primordial Sound, Sacred Sound, Shabda, Sound of Creation, Sound of Silence, also Thunder of Silence, Soundless Sound, Transcendental Sound, Unborn Sound, Unstruck Sound, and The Word of God.
Scientists studying memories have found that memories are a most creative affair, morphing over time and with each recalling, until they bear little resemblance to an actual event. Like everything else, memories are impermanent, making the very idea of them a bit self-oxymoronic.
When the self is seen to have no placement, no identity, and no enduring quality at all, the mind is sometimes elevated to Mind, and the error of a greater Self can occur. But if the self has no true reality, how can it be a place or thing from which, and in which thoughts, perceptions, and feelings occur?
I’ve heard it said that when we see, we should just see, and not color what we see with hopes, dreams, aversions, fears, doubts or dichotomizations, and when we hear we should just hear. And by doing that, we free ourselves from our suffering because in those moments there is no self intervening in the process.
Conditions can never cause anything to happen because they are neither an agent nor have agency. Perhaps this surprises you. But think about all the things you thought were going to happen in your life that didn’t, and all the things that did that you never saw coming!
Part Five of REALITY AND EXISTENCE. Having the habit of sitting for long periods, abiding, with hardly a thought, as the luminous naturing of Dharmata—the reverberations, arising as sounds and colored light, of the naturing of all appearances—I was amazed one day when something unusual happened.
One day I realized that everything I was trying to say in regard to the naturing of manifested phenomena had one, and really only one essence: duration. Which raised a question in my mind: What is awareness if there is no duration to it? I suddenly saw that awareness, in all its guises, was only that duration we ignore as we attempt to put our finger on its essence!
Look within what you experience as you and realize that all that you are cognizing is manifesting presentially, by appearing, being present in the now. Then, look outwards towards your experience of the world and realize that everything you are cognizing is manifesting presentially here as well.
What is known can only be known by appearing, in showing up the knowable is known. It’s that simple. But we are not the ones knowing. Let me explain this insight.
Even if it wasn’t truly observed by me because I am not the observer, even if the contents of the experience had no more truth than a dream, even if each effort to do so quickly passed out of view, it happened. And that is how I also realized that in happening, these experiences existed. Try falsifying experience for yourself and see if the experience of attempting it doesn’t arise, contradicting your effort.
If you are meditating to go beyond mindfulness, seeking insights, vipassana, then I recommend sitting for more than an hour because your mind needs time to let go, and then the really interesting things start.
One day, as a man was walking along the beach, he noticed that there was a rock sticking out of the sand. It was an unusual looking rock. There was something about the way the light reflected off it. He could almost see things in it.
The practice of the four elements has apparently been confused with a practice of listening to the sounds of earth, wind, fire, and water in the external environment, rather than the one that focuses on the self-arising sounds associated with the primary chakras of our subtle energy bodies.
How does one describe the indescribable? What sweet flowing words can I use to invoke the proper image in your heart?
All that there is, exists within “Reality;” And yet where is Reality located? And when is it happening too?