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Kate Roddick

Kate is unique, being one of the first ever Westerners ever to study traditional Tibetan medicine in Dharamsala. This was no mean feat, spending seven years within the monk community next to His Holiness Dalai Lama’s residence, translating Tibetan texts to enable her to study medicine with some of the greatest Tibetan physicians of our time. This was borne out of her deep dedication to of wishing to help others. At Napiers the Herbalists. She also holds workshops on The Art of Tibetan Healing and the Five Elements. She spends much time attending retreats these days and has a darn good sense of humor.


Hot chemistry Subsides No regret Time passes Real love RemainsThe blind one Clings To subsidence The wise one Rejoices In realisation


Love is friendship that has caught fire It is quiet understanding Mutual confidence Sharing and forgiveness It is loyalty through Good and bad It settles… Read More »LOVE


We were getting close to our destination, and everyone started to show signs of excitement. The nuns chatting at half a dozen- reminiscing stories of His Holiness’s annual teachings this time last year. As we approached Lower Dharamsala we passed the Tibet College of Tibetan Medicine, the Menzi Kang.


The Tibetan doctor took the sample of her urine and bustled into his courtyard to test it. He returned, without a word, looked at her kindly, and rather deeply, and seemed to scan her body visually. He then took her pulse for some time. What arose was astonishing.


Dearest Ones, We have so many personas, We live in the private world, Of Dharma, The expression of Wisdom, We share, The offering of those that, Know how to share the wisdom


A little later, I put on a pair of gardening trousers, to lift potatoes I have grown, I would normally wear a dress or skirt. I see smoke coming from the croft, and run towards it, and call for Neil, my partner. The croft is becoming ablase with fire, and cannot be entered.


“Put your hands up and be prepared to die!” Rang over the speaker of the Boeing VC10 Plane from Bombay to London via Beirut. The plane was being hijacked by two Palestinians whom had taken over the plane. It was March 3th 1974.