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Sera Kunzang Lhamo

A Vajrayana practitioner since 2000, Sarah C. Beasley (Sera Kunzang Lhamo) spent almost 7 years in retreat under the guidance of Lama Tharchin Rinpoche and Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, engaging in the traditional Vajrayana path of experiential cultivation. In 2013, Sarah worked closely with Lama Tharchin Rinpoche and Pema Dechen on compiling and editing the text Vajrasattva Ceremony for the Dead. She is encouraged by Lama Yeshe Wangmo and Sangye Khandro to offer practical instruction based on this compilation text. Sarah is an experienced teacher, writer, sculptor, dancer and Iyengar yoga practitioner. She leads a workshop on Meditation for Death, Dying & Living, which can include expressive arts for caregivers. For more info, see


For the dying process to not be painful and confusing, there must be preparation. Though we apply this common sense in most every area, death must be approached as natural, not eschewed as distasteful taboo. Masters of meditation experience death’s transition as a mere change of clothes, and have described it as best they can, motivated by great compassion. Yet crossing over is a solo journey, one we must each traverse alone.