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Vikram Zutshi

Vikram Zutshi is a filmmaker, independent scholar and columnist. He divides his time between the United States, Latin America and SE Asia. After several years in indie film and network TV production, he went solo and produced a number of feature films before transitioning into Directing. His debut feature was filmed at various points along the two thousand mile US-Mexico border and has since been globally broadcast. He writes frequently on Art, Politics, Religion and Culture, and is currently in post-production on ‘Darshan: The Living Art of India’ – a feature documentary on the social and ritual praxis of Hindu, Jain and Buddhist Art.


An interview with Neil Dalal, a scholar and director of acclaimed documentary Gurukulam, an immersive portrait about life in a remote forest ashram. “I knew Swami Dayananda for nineteen years prior to his mahasamadhi last year and studied extensively in India with him. Over the years we had numerous discussions and he was always interested in my research. He was keenly aware of the difficulties of self-representation that traditional Advaita faces today, but was disinclined towards publicity and biographical praise.”