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Stay with the breath,
ease and stability infiltrate the mind
Let breath infuse

and accompany the mind’s movement,
blissful awareness deepens
As the breath stills,

mind settles; as the mind settles,
the breath stills. Weightless, unconfined,
mind carries the body with it

within. Heart throughout
with blood-breath.
Brain throughout with nerve-breath

Embodied throughout
with bone-breath. There is an expansive
accepting rhythm to life

It is a given, a part of us,
as we are a part of the natural world
Sense the rhythms,

work with them, play with them
That’s what I tell myself
that’s what I try to do.

Mind and body grounded throughout
with earth breath
Breathe with her while we’re here

Dance with her breath

Photo by Radoan Tanvir, Bangladesh.

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