I was inspired to render this song into English based on the following experience. Once while walking down the street a homeless guy asked me for some money. I glanced into his clear open eyes and was seized with a yearning to be of assistance. I fumbled for change, but had none. I looked at him, again, and said “I’m sorry, man, I have nothing”. And he said: “That’s alright man, everything is everything.”
appearance & emptiness
when they’re no different
everything is my view
dream time & wake time
when they’re no different
everything is my meditation
bliss & emptiness
when they’re no different
everything is my activity
now & later
when there’s no difference
everything is naturally real
mind & space
when there’s no difference
everything is dharmakaya
happy & sad
when there’s no difference
everything is guru’s instruction
upset & wisdom
when there’s no difference
everything is the realized state
my mind & buddha mind
when there’s no difference
everything is complete
Painting by unknown.
This poetry appeared in Tibetan Literary Arts, Curated by Marit Cranmer, published By Shang Shung Institute, Neilson Library, Smith College, May 2007.
Recommended reading by and about Milarepa.