This morning I added something new. I had a tip about something called MSM. It is an organic kind of Sulfur and apparently, it is good for arthritis and the joints in general. I bought it yesterday at the local health store and asked the clerk about it. He said, he also heard about the good effects it had on some people’s pain, but that some had not had any effect at all. I thought; let’s see if it works on me?
Many years ago, I had an accident where I injured my back. After the birth of my daughter, my back has become increasingly heavier and more painful. When I woke up this morning, I could not even reach my toes without bending my knees low and I my poor back was stiff as wood. There was tension, pain and my new quest towards radiant health became even more important. I took two pills of MSM, 1000 mg each, together with my other vitamins this morning. In the afternoon, around 1 o´clock, I realized that my back pain was gone.

Really, what had been haunting me the past weeks had suddenly disappeared! Imagine my surprise. I stood up, did some exercises, bending forward, backwards, no pain. My back had released its tension. I am so happy. While I sit here writing now in the late evening, I do feel some pain. Nevertheless, I am in awe about the effects of the MSM. I considered the possibility, that the diet also had an influence, but I had only been healthy for few days. It must be the magical MSM.
As dinnertime approached, someone else approached outside my garden door. My friend came to say hi and my food enthusiasm pulled her in immediately. We made a beet root dip/spread that tasted delicious. For lunch today, we had an apple, a fig and brown bread with Red Beet Spread. Onions, fresh and roasted on top.
Red Beet Spread:
1 red beet
Olive oil
1 cup of soaked sunflower seeds. Put them in water the evening before, then they are good to use the next day, for all kinds of spreads and dips. Then I made a salad of chopped tomatoes, squash, roasted sunflower seeds and cauliflower slightly blended but still crispy.
On top, a dressing with herbs.
Dressing a’ la Herba:
1 cup olive oil
½ lemon juice
salt, pepper, herbs.
I used parsley, coriander, oregano and mint.
We both felt so excited about living like this. If we could transform our bad eating habits into beautiful, tasty, experimental, FUN food, our body and mind would definitely benefit, we happily agreed. Elaborating on the before mentioned comment about living on healthy and unhealthy food, I had a talk with my friend who studies anthroposophy, a philosophy founded by Rudolf Steiner, and she is right now learning about homeopathy (very interesting topic to be explored also). We started talking about doing what we felt was right and she came with a good point. When we eat or do something that we know is not good for us, it is not only a physical act that affects us physically. It is also a psychological act, which enforces more low energy into our being. So not only does it harm our physical body, but it also affects the way we see ourselves, the way we care for ourselves, the way we condition our behavior towards ourselves. Imagine, you do something every day, that goes against your principles, your ideals, your knowledge and you keep on doing it. You will feel your confidence drop, your dignity decline. That is why, it felt EMPOWERING to take that decision not to eat junk. I felt it was the right thing to do, both for me but also as a statement to the world, to raise awareness. No matter how small the act, it will have an effect, everything is connected.