When we have an understanding and feeling for spiritual development, then it is important to share that with other people. It might be a gradual process where you take some steps on the pathway. Even if we don’t have the definitive and ultimate insight in all phenomena, we have to express ourselves from the place we have reached until now. We must do the best we can to help ourselves and the people around us.
This time on earth is very difficult for many people, and if we can assist and help just a little, that will contribute to the overall development of mankind. To be friendly is essential. If we did not after birth receive love and nurture from our parents and other people around us, then we would suffer and die. The entire life we depend on other people and we should contribute with our talents to the best of our capacities.
It is a common mistake to think that it is only what we receive that will make us happy. Perhaps it is even more important to give out, and that in reality will fulfil us. When we give out it starts a positive spiral and it will benefit everybody. Of cause we sometimes make mistakes and hurt our fellowman, when we do that then it is important to realise what we have done and repair the relationship. We can apologise and often to our surprise we will be forgiven and really feel the release.
In periods of life you can feel vulnerable and out of balance. Normally it will take some time and then it starts to get better again. You can study your own ups and downs and notice that they are not stable. Circumstances changes and life goes on. Try to learn from that and focus on what you can do to better the situation for yourself and others and be patient, processes take time. You must not allow yourself to be absorbed by negativity and caught up by self-pity. Life is precious and we have the opportunity to unfold our qualities in this life.
In order to progress you need to control your mind. That is not so easy but you have a whole life to practice. Look at your thoughts and see how many of them are useful and try to cultivate the positive mind. When emotions come look at them without condemning. Try to be neutral and after some time the emotions diminishes. There will be people who irritate you, look at what it is that make you uncomfortable and see what that triggers in your mind. Be gentle towards yourself and others. What you don’t like about other people may have an address in your own weak spots. Then look at your own weakness and try to acknowledge that we humans all want to be appreciated and accepted.
Be a friend with yourself and others.
Photo by AnyD, England.