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A guru never leaves his disciple
you said
you never left me

Showing me your form
in a glimpse of divine happiness
you took dwelling in me
as myself

When I left you behind
leaving your ashram
leaving your teaching
you did not leave me
You were always
in the mantra

Upon leaving that life
leaping to the next
born in this life
you did not leave me

In childhood
you were kindness in my heart
In youth
you were longing
In adulthood
caught in the prison of my own ego
you were the instruction
to stop all effort

In the openness of giving up everything
confused, bewildered, scared
you were the trust to stay open
You were the grace of a spontaneous enquiry
into my existence
and you were the revelation
that revealed itself
as myself

You are devotion, devoted, devotee
boundless love and wisdom
pouring yourself out of yourself on yourself

In countless lives of suffering
you are the grace of liberation

You are the meditation, the meditator and the meditated
collapsing the whole world
the subtle body and the gross body
into you

In your presence nothing remains
only you

Your loveessense burns away
all the makings
of this person
until I see only you
and there are no more bodies
just an empty shell
permeated by you

Then I will bestow garlands on this head
offer flowers at these feet
worship you in this body

Photo of the Supreme Guru in a female form.

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