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I look around me and ask myself; is this my world

Greed, destruction, wars, gossip

I look around me and ask myself; is this my world

Beauty, nature, laughter, love

I look around me and ask myself; is this my world

Animal slaughter, hatred, abuse

I look around me and ask myself; is this my world

Joy, compassion, caring

I look around myself and ask myself; is this my world

How can I change my world so that I just see love

How can I change my world so that I just see peace

How can I change my world so that I just see kindness

How can I change my world

It is time to let go of my current world of destruction

It is time to let go of my current world of fear

It is time to let go of my current world of just me, me, me

It is time to just Be

Be in my world

My world of peace

Photo by Pete Linforth, England.

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