Lo and behold, you mighty brave soul!
This life is a multifaceted shining jewel,
hologram of unseen dimensions
made of the mystery that is molten light.
Everything appearing in experiential space
chos, dharma, phenomena, contents:
nondual light, supreme mystery
yet perceived as discrete nouns.
We say nose, wall, gold, partner,
money, bed, success, failure
yet all is light.
Liquid mutable light
with impermanent forms.
Lo and behold, then, where you place
your highest hope, your brightest dream,
for all will shake, all will be gone,
except the hologram that binds them all.
Light in your eyes,
sound in your ears,
life in your hands,
you are the vibration
that thinks, searches and finds.
You are life, you are death
you are the question, the answer
and where they make love.
Can you see yourself?
Can you see seeing?
Can you see?
Sensate the mystery
in the empty space
between each word,
between each thought,
between heartbeats
and any possible tone.
You are not “something”!
You are the sacred space
where anything shines through
as uncountable forms, names,
pleasures, pains, memories.
Regain your nature,
dance through light space!
Remember your true name,
the one that is uttered
in the tremulous vibration
of silence in the night.
Photo by Gerd Altmann, Germany