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There were purple blossoms all along the way,

And incense grew in abundance,

In a secret place that had died and was born again,

I listened and you didn’t have anything to say.

I sang echoes of the past ages,

Blessed were the words I sang,

I sang with eyes shut and heart wide open,

I believe that when there is no beginning there can never be an end.

As naked as the wind I sat in freedom,

As clouded as the clouded sky came my thoughts,

I stared deep into thin air,

And I found myself absorbed, again no where.

Battling my invisible enemies I sat solemn,

As solemn as a clown in a circus,

Battling myself I sat alert,

This was a battle I was to have begun from birth.

Until victory is mine this won’t end,

Until I win it will persist,

Not that I will keep up the fight,

But it won’t quit until I vanish into the vast expanse of its pure light.

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