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When beginning a mandala, I don’t think what I am going to create today, what kind of mandala will come out or what I want to achieve. Instead I simply create it step by step. First I make a circle as wide and big as the paper or the canvas, then comes either smaller circles or I start from the middle point of the mandala. Following my inner emotions, feelings and breathing I simply start creating. I choose colors accordingly and if I get in touch with a deep need, wish or dream, I simply follow it.

Sometimes I get my inspiration from meditation or Tibetan Buddhism. I really feel that while painting, the mandalas correspond to the chakras. I start with what seems to the most important chakra at the moment and then try to heal that chakra by using other colors. Creating a mandala is like a meditation. In a painting session I may finish a mandala or a only stage in it. Drawing a mandala is not a 30 minutes’ work; it may take days sometimes to reach the level of depth I want to achieve, but each day that I paint the same mandala is like starting afresh, like new inner stages in the process.

At my work as an art therapist I do mandala therapy, according to the person in front of me. I may draw the mandala outlines or just a circle, and let him or her create the details. When creating a mandala in front of a person, usually they already get inspired to continue with colors. I always notice that the person who is painting the mandala is feel happier and better when they finish it, as if their soul was cleansed a bit. Unlike my personal process, when I suggest a mandala for therapeutic issue with a patient, I try to let that person or child finish their mandala during the same meeting. Creating mandalas is a spiritual, meditative and healing process, connecting to their inner self, their inner truth, and manifesting it with colors.

As part of my personal process I have created mandalas for 25 years now, for different reasons. A year ago I was hospitalized for 10 days due to some health problems and created a new mandala each day for healing purposes. It helped me calm my mind, and heal faster. I could see how each day the mandalas improved as well as my health, an amazing parallel healing process, both physical and spiritual from the very deep tissue level.

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The size of the paintings is 50×50 cm.

Photos by Vered Bar.

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