Nothing confirms to it’s existence,
For where does it go in silence,
My thoughts, my invisible thoughts,
To give it existence so hard I fought.
Not in my eyes or ears,
Yet I was scared believing in fears;
My thoughts, my invisible thoughts,
As if visible so hard I fought.
Not in my nose or tongue,
Yet it had me convinced in a right and a wrong;
My thoughts, my invisible thoughts,
As though existent so hard I fought.
Not in my body then, where?
And in truth why do I even care,
My thoughts, my invisible thoughts
All my bewilderment it alone brought.
Not in any sight and sound,
yet believing it to be there I remained bound;
my thoughts, my invisible thoughts,
believing it only suffering it brought.
Not in any smell or taste,
Yet it had me fooled that if I didn’t believe it I’d go to waste,
My thoughts, my invisible thoughts,
I no longer believe in it, or it’s lot.
Not anywhere, not even in itself,
It had me crooked, had me believing that it wanted to help,
My thoughts, my invisible thoughts,
The mastermind behind every plan and every plot.
See it for what it really is,
Nothing but waves of bliss,
My thoughts, my invisible thoughts,
To see it as it is, is to uncover enlightenment’s sky vault.
The illness itself is the cure,
No darkness all light, no impurities all pure;
My thoughts, my invisible thoughts,
The thinker itself is an unthinkable thought.
Photo by John Camatsos