Although this pure land, neither measurable nor localized, appears differently to
different perceivers, its essential nature remains unchanging: radiant luminosity
within the great, primordial existent sphere of vital essence.
~ Jamgon Kongtrul
the seductive myth of separation
this pervasive sense of incompleteness
held hostage by time
i can wait
for it is all loosened
so casually
by blue luminosity
the sounds of distant waves
the pernicious love cries of ubiquitous frogs
gliding on the winds

the gentle beckoning
to glide
maturation that somehow occurs
for i remain a child
very eager
enamored, enchanted
delicately tender
in my experience of the world
of an apparent self
full of wonder

and should i remain still
i hear
and recall
that voice, that presence
always there
from the beginning
as long as consciousness of anything ever occurred
earliest childhood glimmers
and beyond
and even now
this longing the call
for union
to meet
lucid essence
just there
in the pure lands
inner heart
These pure lands are self-arisen due to the blessing of the truth of the nature of reality
and of the transcendent ones’ compassion;
they are sublime and amazing.
~ Jamgon Kongtrul
Photo by Michael Ash.