Here’s how it goes
Slowly, with waywardness and ease,
as the mind clears
imagine a stream followed, eddy by current,
to its source. On the way, sink in
and settle in the bluest of pools.
Then, stream and pond,
movement and repose, like a fish
darting from lake to stream,
waterfall to light, from droplets to mist,
to air, let the wind carry you
to the first of the hidden lagoons,
the falls above, as distant and near
as the moon to the sun. In that undisturbed grotto,
as the sun, drawn by the in-breath,
rises at the base of the spine,
the moon lured by the out-breath
welcomes its heat below the navel.
When the sun rises to the breath-thrilled heart,
the waxing moon catches its rays in the throat.
As the heart heavens its beat,
above my eyes the sun crests.
With long slow steady breath,
the full moon shades and cools my brow.
Facing east at dawn, west at dusk,
and at night, deep into dark,
gauging movement by the sun’s presence
and rest by the moon’s fullness,
mind in its element, astride the breath,
traverses an archipelago of light
as insubstantial as dawn’s earthbound mists
May the sun and moon
accompany our days and nights,
fully embodied in practice,
present in meditation. In the expanse of everyday life,
with their blessing, may expression arise,
steadfast and sure. May these words carry me beyond words.
May the fool in me succumb to childlike wisdom
and its inarticulate bliss.
Though I am caught in the net of self-delusion,
may these words from the heart
lead none astray