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It is no longer a secret in our global community, that there is a more subtle body inside our psychical form. We hear about it, we have seen diagrams or paintings of the ethereal form of a human with a column in the center and five wheels from which subtle channels extend out and connect with every pore in the body, 21.000 all together to be exact. These channels are a network of light, like a metropolis, a supercomputer, where traffic moves through day and night. It is so whether we have heard about it or not, whether we see it or not and whether we believe it or not.

Some spiritual traditions teach this and the methods based on it openly, some keep it as a closely guarded secret. It is called the subtle body, the ethereal form, and the exact numbers of channels in each wheel, their colors, their sounds and vibrations differ from one spiritual tradition to another. But they all agree on one point: there is much more magic and mystery in us than meet the eye.

Vajrasattva, the buddha of the indestructible nature.

Ayurveda, the ancient medical system of healing from India and its equivalent transmitted and kept alive in Tibet give us a tremendous amount of details on how health, psychology and the subtle body are interconnected. The yoga systems in both of these countries have enriched the human civilization with hundreds of precious methods that go far beyond healing and psychological well-being. We can learn ways to transcend the ordinary aims of domestic life and become independent of clothes, food, transportation and much more. But, to attain true freedom and enlightenment the systems of inner yoga must be combined with a living tradition of realization, a know-how of freeing the mind totally.

Inside the bodily form of a truly and completely awakened buddha these wheels and channels, energy currents and their vital essences, transcend the set-up of the normal human body, in a way that its almost unbelievable. Each chakra-wheel is an infinite city with billions of universes. Each pore on the skin on a buddha’s body contains billions of realms inside of which there are billions of worlds each with billions of buddhas teaching billions of sentient beings. At the same time, rays of light extend from the center of each chakra into an infinite number of universes, where a holographic living replica of the buddha is present in every other buddha’s realm. This is indeed a magical net that totally blows the lid of an ordinary dualistic mind. Enlightened practitioners have seen this with their mind’s eye, not as imagination and not as visualization, but as a grand magical illusion, that is the domain of the awakened ones.

Today the tradition of imitating this, while yet not being there for real, is taught as a skillful means to transform our incomplete way of seeing ourselves, our life and world, so that we become able to perceive the grand vista in actuality. This method is called the sadhana of the magical net, Mayajala. The most famous is based on the tantra entitled the Magical Net of Vajrasattva, the buddha of the indestructible nature. May everyone connect with its meaning and realize it, truly and completely.

Featured image by Kohji Asakawa, Japan.

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