Philosophy and the Philosopher,
Confusion and the Confuser,
Words of wisdom, breaths of energy,
Oh! The Philosopher lost within his Philosophy.
The Teacher teaching not walking his path,
The Dirty describing not taking his bath,
Words of answers, breaths of life,
Oh! the Teacher who doesn’t use, but only sharpens his knife.
Meditation and it’s Gomchen,
Not realizing that a drop is the same nature as the ocean,
Words of silence, breaths of freedom,
Oh! The Gomchen separating living and meditation.
The Me and the Mine,
The lost not realizing that he is blind,
Words of breath and breaths of words,
Oh! Unbearable is this Self-ish load.
Gomchen means meditator.
Photo: A fakir in Benares by Herbert Ponting 1907.