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Can a seed ever be sad
When it’s been blown off far into the desert
I think not
Because it remembers
The mighty woods it came from
It knows that it was once
A thousand year old tree
Among many
It is that tree, and all the ones yet to come

So when your forest burns
Let it burn
Let the wind carry you far off
Into a barren land
But remember
You carry the ancient woodland within you

You might have to wait
For a long time
Whole ages maybe
Apparently on your own
Hidden in yourself
Swept back and forth
Dragged by the whirl-wind
But you are never alone
You carry all the you’s that came before you
You are all the power they gathered over millennia
And now they are looking over you
You are never alone

One day, a desert animal will find you
And dig a little hole near a spring
Where it will let you rest
And you will remember
How mighty trees sprout
And grow
And bear seeds
From which new trees spring
And in a century or two
There will be a whole new woodland
New seeds will be carried far off by the wind
And when this forest becomes old and dies
Another one would spread in another land

All thanks to that one seed
Which once survived in a desert
And in this way
Nothing is ever truly new or old
Nothing is ever lost or broken
There is no end or a beginning
You are but a link in an infinite cycle
Just go with the wind
And know
That you are the seed
You can never be alone.

Photo from Wikimedia: Konge Eg. The ancient oak tree is from Jægerspris North Forest in Denmark. Scientists estimate the King Oak is between 1,500 to 2,000 years old, making it a contender for the title of oldest tree in Northern Europe.

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