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Bill Karelis

Bill Karelis has been traveling the world, fascinated by the infinite variety of people and also the many cultures, since he was in his teens. He enjoys the artistic practices of poetry, calligraphy and photography, and lives with his wife, Brigitta, in Boulder, Colorado. More on Bill's A Place to Sit.


Goodness belongs to all, inherently. In fact, we are goodness itself, in our bones and in our heart. We possess natural warrior-ship, bravery and gentleness. However, we are often obscured from our own goodness and innate, warrior virtues; in such moments, we cannot see our goodness, and we do not feel it. The greatest task we could undertake in this life is to bring out our basic goodness and warriorship, to manifest truly and to be of service to others.


Your world has no hypocrisy. It is bright; even darkness is bright; dinner happens in the morning light. Your speech, so well remembered, cuts through naïve beliefs, pops depression, brings a smile to the eyes. To the one who showed me the world, I sing this little song of remembrance and pay homage ceaselessly.