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For Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

You have been gone for longer than I knew you
And yet somehow never left at all.
You are as rain in these hills, soft air—
Everywhere, influencing everything.
You left us alone.
It couldn’t be helped, and, in fact, had you not,
We never could have grown up. Sometimes I think you left on purpose,
And didn’t leave, also on purpose;
Now we are haunted by reality itself.

Your world has no hypocrisy.
It is bright; even darkness is bright; dinner happens in the morning light.
Your speech, so well remembered, cuts through naïve beliefs,
Pops depression, brings a smile to the eyes.

To the one who showed me the world,
I sing this little song of remembrance
And pay homage ceaselessly.

Feautured image: Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

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