Watching thoughts
As they arise
No object, nothing to
Hold them
They fall
Have collected
Different persona
All these years
Due to conditioning,
Culture, upbringing
They are fitted
Like a well worn garment
Difficult to let go
Still, I am stripping
Off of them
One by one
Layer by layer
Naked, bare
I turn and look
Myself in the
Is it bare essence?
Nakedly beautiful
I see a little girl
Innocent, open
No layers, no fear
No worries
Full of life
Smiling I reached
And puff
She is gone!
Than again
Filled with longing
far and wide
But found my
truthful one
In my heart
Yes I am home.
I worship, pray
With my mind
Nector releasing
Under the mask
rushing down
Giving discipline
and strength.
Worship song
Is in silence
Sacred pouring
Penetrating my heart
With just one drop
Yet flooding by
a hundred oceans
Sweeping chambers
Of my heart and mind
Make it clean to be the dwelling place
of the Lord
I am leaving and
He is entering
Showing his beauty
My soul freeing
From shackles.
Chambers of
My heart are
Small yet
They are large
Enough for
My lord
As he gladly
Reside and
Make it
It’s home.
He is lord
Shiva, divine
He is me
And I am
One and same
No shame, no fear
Nakedly beautiful
Photo of Shiva.