A treatise on coffee making, use and imbibing the action with additional importance. Humorous poetry by Lama Rangbar: The Chariot of Amrit Substances Which Leads to the Arising of Bodhi-Mind by Tasting.
A treatise on coffee making, use and imbibing the action with additional importance. Humorous poetry by Lama Rangbar: The Chariot of Amrit Substances Which Leads to the Arising of Bodhi-Mind by Tasting.
My approach to astrology, and to most things in general, is to learn, to listen, to be open minded, to research, and then to check it out deeply for myself, using my common sense, my intuition, my body, contemplation, observation, waiting and cross checking. Somewhat like a scientist. Somewhat like a meditator. Somewhat like an artist. I don’t and never have taken things on blind faith, and I would highly recommend you don’t either when you read my posts.