When you don’t know, don’t know
Don’t know
Actually you don’t know at all
you’ve never been it
have you ever been your dream?
however there are rules/research to not know
we fail to not know
it’s really hard to not know
when I say, I don’t know, I say I’m not in charge
I don’t control anything
I don’t control the moments that arrive to me and make me happen
I don’t know how I should happen
you may talk to/laugh at someone
you may hold on your ground/have to prove something to be you
you may formulate concepts/theories/reasons to make you
I don’t know
Well every moment is happening in this life to find
expression of may be some universe thing, and we don’t know other ways for it
we don’t know how this so huge Now/universe, should happen
this don’t know can be an expression of no “I”
for there is no one to know
for there is an experience! that makes you an expression
Actually it is trust
you are expressionless only without trust
you don’t know, with trust!
yes! I don’t know , is discipline of trust!
you are universe in this trust/Joyous/without any deals
you free your dream from your known
your utmost need as universe
I don’t know
wh- happens? /I don’t know wh- I should be either
I trust
Photo by Engin Akyurt. Cambodia